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• SmartFan AmpStrip-DC is a modular fan current alarm that monitors the current drawn by DC fans or blowers and generates failure signals if it drops below a preset trigger current. • AmpStrip-DC comprises a strip of 6 individual alarm units bused together. The web separating units can be cut to provide strips to handle any quantity of fans. Each unit provides alarm signal outputs for one air mover. The bus distributes power to each unit and OR’s alarm signals from each unit to provide a single alarm output if any air mover should fail. Each alarm unit has three outputs used to drive logic, an LED or a piezo alarm.
Control Resources Cirrus-6 Fan Control
Control Resources SmartFan Cirrus
Control Resources Multi-SD
Control Resources Multi SD ‘SmartFan’ Speed Contro
Control Resources Fan Controller – Wisp II – Closed Loop – 048W040