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How To Install a Thermoelectric Assembly – A Guide



We have published a guide on how to install a thermoelectric assembly. The guide covers general guidance and good practice, it is suitable for the range of Adaptive thermoelectric assemblies but the it can be applied to other brands. It provides some initial indicative guidance on installation and consideration for the system best performance.

General Guidance

Thermoelectric assemblies are typically mounted through a cut-out in an enclosure in order tocool the electronics or system inside. In order to efficiently cool the device, it is recommended that the cabinet or enclosure is insulated as much as possible without affecting the function of the target device, this aids the time in which the cooler can get to a steady state temperature as well as reducing the power consumed by the device. This may also allow for a reduction in power or even cooling power requirements.

To read the full guide from European Thermodynamics on How To Install a Thermoelectric Assembly, go to the RS DesignSpark blog.